Kaleshwaram is a village in Mahadevpur Mandal in Bhoopalpally district of Telangana. Kaleshwaram is one of three Shiva temples mentioned in Trilinga Desham
Kaleshwara Mukteeshwara swamy Temple is one of the Famous Temples of Lord Shiva on the banks of Godavari River.
TSRTC Bus Timings from Karimnagar to Kaleshwaram
Duration is 2.30 Hrs with the distance of 132KM
Recently the TSRTC has added few more buses to Kaleshwaram from Karimnagar and Hyderabad considering Pligrims
Here are Kaleshwaram Temple Timings
TSRTC runs multiple buses from Karimnagar depot and the starts at morning 3Am and last bus is at 6pm.
We also buses from Manthani we have good frequency of buses at every hour, which starts 7am and last bus is at 6pm
Karimnagar | Express |
03:00, 06:30, 14:00
Karimnagar | Pallevelugu, |
Every 30 min. From 04.00 to 20.30 Hrs.
Manthani | Express |
07:00 to 18:00 Hrs. Every One Hour
Korutla | Express |
Here are Kaleshwaram Kaleshwara Mukteeshwara Temple Timings
Kaleshwaram is a holy place located exactly at the merging point of three rivers.
In Kaleswaram, the main festivals celebrated are – Maha Shivaratri, karthika masam and shivaratri
Peligrims for holy bath in godavari river.
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KARIMNAGAR to KALESHWARAM Distance is 133KM and travel timing by bus is 3 hours by TSRTC bus, which passes through peddapalli.
Passengers can consider peddapalli railway station as nearest station to Kaleshwaram temple, from here there will good number of RTC buses to temple on regular frequency.
This bus route generally busy on Monday morning hours and Sunday evening hours considering Monday as precious day for Lord Shiva.
We can also find some private vehicles engaged to travel to temple and also pilgrims can book rooms or cottages in advance for staying.
More About Kaleshwaram Lift Irrigation Project, as beautiful place to visit
karimnagar to kaleshwaram bus timings
peddapalli to kaleshwaram bus timings