Borabanda to Secunderabad MMTS Train Timings

Borabanda to Secunderabad MMTS Train Timings


Borabanda to Secunderabad MMTS Morning Timings

STATION 47171 47173 47213 47174 47175 47176 47177 47178 47212 47179*
Borabanda 04:40 06:10 06:45 07:20 07:58 08:50 09:15 09:40 10:17 10:59
Bharatnagar 04:42 06:12 06:47 07:22 08:00 08:52 09:17 09:42 10:19 11:01
Fatehnagar 04:45 06:15 06:50 07:25 08:03 08:55 09:20 09:45 10:24 11:04
NatureCureHospital 04:47 06:17 06:52 07:27 08:05 08:57 09:22 09:47 10:26 11:06
Begumpet 04:49 06:19 06:54 07:29 08:07 08:59 09:24 09:49 10:28 11:08
SanjeevaiahPark 04:53 06:23 06:58 07:33 08:12 09:04 09:28 09:54 10:32 11:12
James Street 04:55 06:26 07:00 07:35 08:14 09:06 09:30 09:56 10:36 11:14
Secunderabad 05:12 06:42 07:17 07:57 08:32 09:22 09:50 10:12 10:52 11:32

Borabanda to Secunderabad MMTS Afternoon Timings

STATION 47189 47180 47181 47215 47182* 47183 47184* 47185 47217 47186
Borabanda 11:45 12:15 12:55 13:25 13:35 14:45 15:04 15:45 15:59 16:36
Bharatnagar 11:47 12:17 12:57 13:27 13:37 14:47 15:06 15:47 16:01 16:38
Fatehnagar 11:50 12:20 13:00 13:30 13:40 14:50 15:09 15:50 16:04 16:40
NatureCureHospital 11:52 12:22 13:02 13:32 13:42 14:52 15:11 15:52 16:06 16:42
Begumpet 11:54 12:24 13:04 13:34 13:44 14:54 15:13 15:54 16:08 16:44
SanjeevaiahPark 11:58 12:28 13:09 13:38 13:48 14:58 15:17 15:58 16:12 16:46
James Street 12:00 12:30 13:11 13:40 13:50 15:01 15:19 16:00 16:15 16:48
Secunderabad 12:20 12:47 13:27 13:57 14:07 15:22 15:36 16:17 16:32 17:07

Borabanda to Secunderabad MMTS Evening Timings

STATION 47187 47210 47191 47188 47190 47219 47192 47193 47159 47194
Borabanda 17:19 17:49 18:24 18:50 19:29 19:52 20:34 20:59 21:25 22:00
Bharatnagar 17:21 17:51 18:26 18:52 19:31 19:54 20:36 21:01 21:27 22:02
Fatehnagar 17:24 17:54 18:29 18:55 19:34 19:57 20:39 21:04 21:30 22:05
NatureCureHospital 17:26 17:56 18:31 18:57 19:36 19:59 20:41 21:06 21:32 22:07
Begumpet 17:28 17:58 18:33 18:59 19:38 20:01 20:43 21:08 21:34 22:09
SanjeevaiahPark 17:32 17:41 18:02 18:38 19:02 20:05 20:48 21:12 21:39 22:14
James Street 17:35 17:43 18:05 18:42 19:05 20:08 20:51 21:15 21:41 22:16
Secunderabad 17:55 18:22 18:57 19:27 20:05 20:25 21:07 21:37 21:57 22:32


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